I suppose I should acknowledge the lack of attention I have given this blog. I have good reason. Like many of you, I suffer from a busy life. This blog was intended to be a mouthpiece of my professional development and serve as running commentary to a growing portfolio. That hasn't changed; but my focus has.
After much deliberation, I have decided to return to academia to pursue a degree in both Communication and Theater. Since the Fall of 2016, I've been deep in the thick of it. My professional hiatus (sabbatical?) unfortunately meant that I haven't done much acting or directing since 2016.
I've already achieved many educational goals. This December I will be graduating Summa Cum Laude from Gateway Community College in New Haven, CT with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and Science. I have received Dean's List honors all three of my semesters in attendance and I was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa National Honors Society.
I am just beginning my odyssey in higher education. I have been accepted to Southern Connecticut State University where I will be pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication with a focus on Television, Film, and Digital Production and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theater. I anticipate graduating in 2020.
In the upcoming years I will be sharing my many student activities which I invite people to join me in exploration of the arts. Please follow along with me on my exciting journey.
Yeah Jason! You're amazing!